- Myofascial Release Center in Glendale, CA for MFR sessions
- Kneaded Experience Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA for corporate MFR chair massage
- MFR based classes taught nationwide, currently the S. California area, mostly at Hands on Healing Institute & Kali Institute
- MFR retreats nationwide and work study groups for both therapists and the public, currently in the S. California and Las Vegas area.
Frances Nicolais is the owner and Lead Therapist for the Myofascial Release Center. She has been a CMT since 1993, specializing in a form of structural bodywork for 10 years. Then, in 2003, her life was completely turned around at her first John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Seminar. Learning about the mind/body/spirit connection of fascia system and how it can be utilized to allow true healing of pain, discomfort and physical dysfunctions, has opened her eyes, ears and heart. Frances now has completed over 500 hours of Myofascial Release training and continues to take more classes. She is also a Senior Staff Instructor at the Hands On Healing Institute in Tujunga and is the developer and main instructor for their Focus on Fascia series (over 250 hours); structural Chair Massage series (over 75 hours) and structural Sports/Fitness Fusion Therapy course. CAMTC #14457
Frances is the founder and owner of both the Myofascial Release Center in Glendale, CA and the Kneaded Experience LA in Los Angeles, CA.
Frances is also a wedding officiant through the Universalist Life Church – and provides Personalized Wedding Ceremonies.
Tabitha Hersey is a CMT, trained by Frances Nicolais at the Hands on Healing Institute, where she graduated in 2012. Tabitha grew up with a love of helping others feel physically and emotionally healthy. She first studied psychology and mental health, which lead her to dive deeper into the healing arts. Having experienced trauma within her life, she was passionate to learn how bodywork could heal the body, mind and spirit. Once she learned of myofascial release, she was instantly hooked based on its incredible capability of releasing past trauma held deep within the tissue’s cellular memory. Tabitha is also one of our Office Managers at MFR Center, where she helps the office run smoothly and delivers excellent client support. CAMTC #38712
Tom Hambright is a Senior Staff Therapist at the Myofascial Release Center, and also went to the Hands on Healing Institute for his initial CMT education, graduating in March 2005. He has subsequently taken many John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Seminars and worked for a number of years at a physical therapy office where Tom developed his specialty work with the structural aspect of MFR. Tom also taught several of the Focus on Fascia classes at the Hands on Healing Institute, using the concepts of MFR to allow for emotional and physical re-patterning. CAMTC #26374